Uttam-adhikari, Madhyam and Kanistha

Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur:

Knowing Krishna and His Name to be identical truth
one will embrace the Holy Name whole-heartedly;
and thus, one who is initiated into chanting the Holy Name properly
should be respected as a member of the devotee family.

And one who serves Krishna by constant worship of the Name
cherished within their heart, forever residing at Sri Vrndavan Dham, 
know them to be an intermediate devotee. 
Make obeisance at their feet, 
keeping them as a faithful friend.

And one who, by internal service to the Name, 
knows their own divine identity, and who sees Krishna 
only Krishna everywhere, in every form, and in every entity,
seeing nothing separate from Krishna in the entire creation
— this one who sees all souls equally, 
seeing how everyone is serving Krishna’s will 
— know this saint is a true devotee, and venerable. 

A most honoured, a most cherished devotee.
Serve this devotee in your thoughts, words, and deeds. 
Serve this devotee, and attain your heart’s fulfilment.
With reverence, inquiry, service, serve them in all respects,
and entreat them, that by their grace, by the unlimited mercy
of such a great soul, we can reach Lord Krishna’s feet.