December 6, 2013 by goswami.
Dear Srila Acharya Maharaja,
My dandabat pranam,
Forgive my bluntness, but you have run out of time.
If I catch your bray, its as follows: You expect the members of the Primary Trust Board to endanger the lives of themselves and their followers, and trust you, while you dismiss them as untrustworthy? Stop insulting them with your nonsense.
Do you recall earlier this year after Gaura Purnima in Puri? Under the influence of a crazy little girl, you foolishly accused Avadhut Maharaja and I of stealing 50,000 US Dollars from the Math and Mission (the one you think is your personal property). When you finally woke up, from your self-intoxicated stupor, you realized that you had been duped. Consistent with your modus aparadhi, you offered no apology. Neither did you set the record straight and correct the lies you told your Venezuelan Cartel.
Have you no appreciation that Avadhut Maharaja and his devotees risked their lives to protect the Math, and to protect you? All the while you kept yourself out of harms way, safely hiding outside of India, basking in pratistha. Your non-stop nonsense mantra, “not to worry, I am managing” has become a joke that is not funny. Perhaps its time to put a billboard in front of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Nabadwip, “Not to Worry; Under New Management.”
You have the audacity to mention Madhusudan Maharaja. The only reason he faces arrest is for helping you. You ingrate! As an affectionate well-wisher and with concern for the successor Acharya of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Madhusudan Maharaja tried to warn you about your dalliances with the Brazilian girl you imported to draw your bath and tickle your fancy. You arrogantly dismissed him with your usual “What me worry”? Horseshit. I resist the temptation to call you a “gober Ganesh” because it would be an insult to bullshit. Additionally, I pray to Sri Ganeshji to remove impediments on the devotional path. Perhaps it is time for you to go on a sentimental journey? I hear Biman has some deals on cheap flights to Dhaka. I digress. Or perhaps not.
Madhusudan Maharaja is rightfully revered by all Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math members worldwide and by Srila Guru Maharaja and Srila Gurudeva, and has dedicated his life in service to Srila Guru Maharaja’s Math and its divine servitors. I only heard Srila Gurudev say repeatedly in his final days “Take shelter of Mahananda Prabhu. All Western devotees shall follow him.” You never even got honorable mention. Why? Because according to Srila Gurudeva, you are the successor of Nabadwip Math and “Indian group.” That you are the “worldwide” successor is hype, and you know it. And anybody with half a brain and their eyes open can see through your ruse.
You have done nothing but repeatedly insult Madhusudan Maharaja. What is wrong with you? With a veranda full of simple-hearted devotees, you described him in the most vile and nasty language. Have you no shame? Is this your Hari Katha? Are you so deluded to think that these things go unnoticed? I am so angry at myself for not calling you out on this sooner.
You are so full of yourself because you choose to surround yourself with morons who relish your insufferable singing and sahajiya dancing. You would never have had the audacity to do your silly little jig in the presence of Srila Gurudeva. But now, you not only think your appointment makes you his equal, you boast to your sycophants that you have surpassed him. In the sad reality that has become your life, you are nothing more than the lead singer at a wedding of camels wherein a group of asses has been invited to perform.
By the way, if you would familiarize yourself with the divine conceptions of Srila Sridhar Maharaja you would find with regard to Acharya appointments; statements by any Guru (including Srila Govinda Maharaja):
“Whatever they might say, it is all recommendatory, all relative; not absolute. That is not possible.”
The position of Guru is Supreme in the eyes of his followers. You are not Absolute, Mr. Das. Do you not understand even basic Gaudiya Siddhanta? Guru is delegated power. It is an extension of Divine Grace. And meditate on this: according to Srila Guru Maharaja, it can be withdrawn.
Srila Guru Maharaja would have never selected you as Acharya. According to his criteria, you are woefully unfit. He would have shuttered his Math before handing things over to you.
Srila Govinda Maharaja told me that he selected you out of desperation. He had no suitable alternative amongst his thrice initiated disciples. He said Paramahamsa Maharaja was a third class man and that your qualification was, Nabadwip Math manager.
You dare to offensively compare your selection to the “power transmission of the Rupanuga line” from Srila Saraswati Thakur to Srila Guru Maharaja. Have you lost your mind! You were picked because Srila Govinda Maharaja considers you fit to oversee his rice fields. You puffed up, impertinent Bangladeshi boy.
You are 22 years junior to Ashram Maharaja and Janardan Maharaja. Although infinitely superior, Srila Govinda Maharaja treated them with full respect as equals. Unquestionably junior, in age and realization, you mistreat these most senior, revered, respected members, and Acharyas, as your subordinates. Your audacity is now become legendary. Its maryada vyatikrama (ask Tyagi Maharaja to explain this to you).
For the record, Srila Guru Maharaja says, “Administration is the position of a ksatriya and the acharya work, that is for the brahmin, who does not care for this worldly achievement; finance with vaishya…“Extracting the inner meaning of the scriptures, giving new light… that should be the criteria of the acharya; not a man who can conduct good administration, make money and recruit more men; that is not the criteria of an acharya.”
Srila Gurudeva warned me many times about Banga (Bangladeshis). He predicted they would ruin Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math. And it has come true. All of you, both parties, callously trashing the dignity of Srila Guru Maharaja: You, Ranajit, Bipul et al. all Bangladeshis; ego driven demons hellbent on destroying Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math. In my opinion, all Bangladeshis, yourself included, should be deported back to your homeland, Bangladesh.
“May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon You”
By the way, if your fellow Bangladeshi, Ranajit with whom you contemplate “a deal” continues with his evil plans to destroy Srila Guru Maharaja’s Math and dispossess the Deities of their property, rape charges will be brought against him. Only this will not be a false case. All the veranda servitors of Srila Gurudeva know that he is a rapist; they all know whom he raped, and are prepared to testify. On my recent visit to Vrindavan I stopped in Delhi and shark-like lawyers are preparing testimony to guarantee success.
If you read the newspapers, then you know this is a huge issue with India and world opinion. And the Indian Government is nothing short of bloodthirsty to convict and punish actual rapists. They want to set and example and show to the Western world that they mean business. Ranajit’s time is near. He will not escape this deserved reaction. But as you might say, “Not to worry; the Laws of Karma are managing.”
I was with Srila Govinda Maharaja for the last seven years of his manifest pastimes. Do you think he never spoke with me candidly? Do you think he never revealed his mind and heart to me? Do you think he never told me, beyond perfunctory flattery, what he actually thinks of you and so many others?
About you my dear friend, he shared the following. Once while watching the news, the infamous Lalu Babu came on the screen. Being unfamiliar with him I asked Srila Gurudeva, who is this character? He offered, “The biggest liar in Bihar.” Paused and then said, “Oh, he’s also the Chief Minister.” I laughed. Then Gurudeva deadpanned, “Acharya Maharaja is his cousin.”
In the last four years you have squandered huge amounts of the Math’s money on your personal problems. Not for “the Acharya of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math” but for you, whoever you are, whatever your name is, and wherever you are from. To this day, no one knows your actual identity, and by that I don’t mean your swarup. Who do you think you are!
You repeatedly blatantly ignore the expressed will of Srila Gurudeva regarding the Primary Trust and finances.
If I, and others, withdraw our support from you, you are finished. The actual Supreme Court is our guru varga. If their backing is withdrawn, we become zero, and less than zero.
There are many who believe that I am mostly responsible for establishing you as a “worldwide acharya”. It has been observed by some that I may not be everything you might desire in a friend but am considered a super-excellent enemy. Srila Guru Maharaja observed, “Goswami Maharaja is bold, bordering reckless”. You may recall, in defense of the dignity of the holy lotus feet of Srila Guru Maharaja, I went after the biggest sahajiya guru in modern times. And in the words of neutral observers, “vaporized him”.
You have callously dragged the name of Srila Guru Maharaja’s Math through the mud of public opinion with your self-serving lies and deception. Srila Govinda Maharaja honored me as his godbrother and co-disciple of Srila Sridhar Maharaja. I will not tolerate your selfish, inconsiderate disregard for Srila Guru Maharaja’s Math. I will convince the world that you, in no way, shape or from, represent Srila Guru Maharaja and the Math that he conceived. Don’t dream for a moment that I am incapable of doing this.
“Goswami Maharaja is a man who conserves his energy, and at the time of the greatest necessity, comes through with full force”.—Srila Sridhar Maharaja
Like the cascading waterfalls indicated in your pranam mantram, understand this clearly: If upon the receipt of this email, you do not immediately, begin to respect the will of Srila Gurudeva, and convene a meeting of the Primary Trust, via Skype, you will leave with me with no other choice than to withdraw my support for you as the Acharya of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math.I will actively and openly seek a suitable replacement as per the criteria outlined by Srila Guru Maharaja in his will and Debottar.
Bhakti Sudhir Goswami